Now showing items 1-10 of 54
Photodynamic augmentation of oncolytic virus therapy for central nervous system malignancies
(Cancer Letters, 2023)
Oncolytic viruses (OVs) have emerged as a clinical therapeutic modality potentially effective for cancers that evade conventional therapies, including central nervous system malignancies. Rationally designed combinatorial ...
A review on nanotoxicity and nanogenotoxicity of different shapes of nanomaterials
(Journal of applied Toxicology, 2021)
Nanomaterials (NMs) generally display fascinating physical and chemical properties that are not always present in bulk materials; therefore, any modification to their size, shape, or coating tends to cause significant ...
Warburg Cinotti sendromu: Ddr2 geninde De Novo
Giriş: Warburg-Cinotti sendromu (WRCN), otozomal dominant olarak kalıtılan çok nadir bir hastalıktır. WRCN ilerleyici kornea neovaskülarizasyonu, keloid oluşumu, kronik cilt ülserleri, deri altı doku kaybı, parmaklarda ...
Genetik hastalıklarda tüm ekzom analiz sonuçları
Giriş: Tüm Ekzom Analizi (TEA) genetik hastalıkların tanısında yüksek düzeyde sağladığı bilgi sebebiyle son yıllarda klinisyenler tarafından tercih edilen testdir. Bu çalışmada amacımız, merkezimizin TEA sonuçlarını ...
Talasemi ve hemoglobinopatilerde transfüzyon
(3. Azerbaycan Hematoloji Uzmanlar Kongresi, 2023)
Giriş: Talasemi ve hemoglobinopatiler , hemoglobinleri oluşturan globin zincirlerinin (α, β, γ, δ) yetersiz sentez oranının önemli ölçüde azalması veya globin zincirlerinde yapısal bozukluklar oluşması sonucu eritrosit ...
A comprehensive in vivo study using drosophila melanogaster: new insights into mechanisms and biological effects of permethrin nanopesticides
(The 6th ed. of the International Conference Nanotech France 2021, 2021)
Mechanisms and biological impacts of graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes on Drosophila melanogaster: Oxidative stress, genotoxic damage, phenotypic variations, locomotor behavior, parasitoid resistance, and cellular immune response
(Journal Of Applied Toxicology, 2021)
The use of graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) has now become rather common in medical applications as well as several other areas thanks to their useful physicochemical properties. While in vitro testing ...
Talasemide nereden nereye
(XVI. Ulusal Kan Merkezleri ve Transfüzyon Kongresi, 2023)
Bu derlemede dünyada ve ülkemizde “Talasemide nereden nereye” gelindiğini, hem dünya hem ülkemizde önemli
tarihi notlara değinerek özetleyeceğim.
Dünya tarihine baktığımızda, talaseminin yüzyıllık öyküsü şöyledir.
1910 ...
Drosophila melanogaster as a dynamic in vivo model organism reveals the hidden effects of interactions between microplastic/nanoplastic and heavy metals
(Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2022)
Plastic waste in different environments has been constantly transforming into microplastic/nanoplastic (MNPLs). As they may coexist with other contaminants, they may behave as vectors that transport various toxic trace ...
The effect of teaching mitosis and meiosis subjects with computer-aided teaching materials on academic success
(3rd International Conference on Education, Technology and Science, 2020)
In this study, the effect of teaching mitosis and meiosis subjects using computeraided teaching materials on academic success was investigated. The mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative research methods, ...