Do Turkish tourism players show interest for metaverse?
The evolution of Web 3.0 has brought many new technological transitions to our lives. Although,
it is not a very recent application, metaverse has become widely known after Marc Zuckerberg’s
investment and interest. Meta is a Greek word meaning after, beyond. Metaverse, which is derived
from the combination of the word meta and the words “universe” in English, meaning beyond the
universe (THY Terminal). The metaverse is a collective, persistent, and interactive parallel reality
created by synthesizing all virtual worlds to form a universe that individuals can seamlessly
traverse (Gursoy et al., 2022). Metaverse effectively creates a bridge to facilitate the integration of
real and virtual presence and experience (Buhalis et al.,2022). Tourism and hospitality industry
has been showing attention and interest to metaverse. Both researchers and practioners have been
thinking and searching ways to understand and use metaverse. According to Gursoy et al. (2022),
the metaverse is a world where individuals can travel without restrictions whenever and wherever
they wish. Metaverse can be used by a tourist before, during and after travelling. Metaverse can
be used for various recreational and sportive activites like visiting a museum, concert, theater,
kayaking, jumping or even joining a wedding ceremony etc. Tourists may previsit their holiday
destination or hotel and decide what to do or where to stay. The facilities to be done in metaverse
is almost endless. However, there is a current debate whether metaverse could be the next disruptor
for hospitality and tourism, as well (Gursoy et al., 2022). Recently, metaverse has been becoming
popular in Turkiye. As an example, Pegasus airlines opened an area called PegasusPort on the
Decentraland platform. Visitors to PegasusPort Decentraland, were offered surprise games, and
the chance to win international flight tickets. Turkish Airlines created THY Terminal to focus on
all new technologies and support creative projects. This research aims to find out whether Turkish
Tourism and Hospitality stakeholders have any interest, plan and assessment for metaverse. For
this purpose, qualitative research has been preferred to gain a broad perspective about the topic. 5
semi-structured interviews were done with professionals. The results of the interviews point out
that professionals have a growing interest in metaverse and current applications are still at the
beginning stage being mostly experimental. As soon as the legal problems for cryptocurrencies
and some others are solved, it is expected that there will be a high interest for metaverse and many
projects will be realised.