İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi / School of Business and Social Sciences
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Güncel Gönderiler
Income Inequality and CO2 Emissions Nexus: A Long-Run Analysis for Turkey
(ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 2024)The relationship between economic factors and environmental impacts is of paramount significance in the pursuit of sustainable development and the implementation of effective measures to alleviate environmental deterioration. ... -
The mediator role of procedures in the relationship between business setup time and starting new business
(Journal of International Trade, Logistics and Law, 2024-06)Starting a new business can sometimes be quite simple and sometimes very challenging. Data from various countries show that this situation varies from region to region. In particular, the setup time and procedures involved ... -
The mediating role of logistics 4.0 capability on the relationship between e-commerce marketing and firm performance
(Polish Journal of Management Studies, 2024-06)This study aims to determine whether e-commerce marketing capability impacts firm performance and what role logistics 4.0 plays in this relationship. Based on the literature and grounded on dynamic capability theory we ... -
The mediator role of brand image in the effect of product knowledge on brand loyalty: A study on mobile phone brands
(Business and Economics Research Journal, 2024-07)The objective of this study is to explore the relationships between product knowledge, brand image, and brand loyalty in the mobile phone brands context. Specifically, the study investigates the effect of product knowledge ... -
The effect of inflation on high technology exports
(International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 2024-05)This study aims to determine the relationship between inflation and exports of high technology products. Within the framework of the research model, the relationships between Inflation, Ease of Doing Business, Education ... -
The effect of technological unemployment anxiety on employee burnout
(Middle East J. Management, 2024-07)In this research, the effect of technological unemployment anxiety on employee burnout has been examined. Structural equation modelling method was chosen to analyse multidimensional models with both direct and indirect ... -
The business start-up procedures and costs for entrepreneurs
(International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 2024-10)Entrepreneurs may encounter various difficulties when launching a new business. A business setup process can be quite straightforward in some nations and be challenging in others, particularly with regard to the amount of ... -
Do campaign speeches predict foreign policy? An operational code and leadership trait analysis of Donald Trump’s MENA policies
(2023)This article investigates whether campaign speeches during the US presidential elections can help predict foreign policy behavior. We use speeches made by Donald J. Trump during his bid for president in 2016. We compare ... -
Deprem haberlerini takip etme davranışlarının travma sonrası korku ve kontrol duygusu ile travmatik stres belirtileri üzerindeki etkileri
(5. Uluslararası Pozitif Psikoloji Kongresi, 2023)Amaç: Doğal afetler gibi beklenmedik ve yıkıcı olaylardan sonra haberleri takip etmek, travmatik stres tepkilerini tetikleyebilir. Alanyazındaki çalışmalar afet haberlerini takip etmenin kaygı, stres ve uyku sorunları ... -
The efficacy of a single-session virtual reality exposure in the therapeutic intervention of specific phobias
(2023)The present study endeavors to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of a singular session of virtual reality (VR) exposure therapy for treating specific phobias. A total of 33 individuals with clinically diagnosed specific ... -
An unguided computerized cognitive behavioral therapy program for test anxiety
(2023)Test anxiety, a particular manifestation of performance anxiety similar to sports anxiety or the anxiety experienced during public speaking, is characterized by emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses that lead ... -
Macaristan’da popülist söylem: Türk göçmenlerin deneyimleri
(2023)Avrupa’da yükselişe geçen popülist ve otoriter siyasi dönüş, göçmen gruplarını hedef alan hem söylemler hem politikalar üzerinde etkili olmuştur. Bu çalışma, popülist bir dönüşüm yaşayan Macaristan’daki Türk göçmenlerin ... -
Vatandaşlığın dönüşümü: Türkiye’de farklı vatandaşlık normlarına eğilimler
(2023)Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de vatandaşların, liberal-hak eksenli, cumhuriyetçi-aktif, görev odaklı ve eleştirel vatandaşlık normlarına atfettikleri önem karşılaştırılmaktadır. Günümüzde liberal ve demokratik vatandaşlık ... -
Annelerin Instagram kullanımının ebeveynlik tutumları ile ilişkisi
(X. Işık Savaşır Klinik Psikoloji Sempozyumu, 2023)Giriş: Sosyal medyanın hayatımızdaki rolü günden güne artmaktadır. Kendimizi ve düşüncelerimiz ifade ettiğimiz, zaman zaman hayatlarımızı paylaştığımız bir platform olan Instagram son yıllarda sosyal medya fenomenlerinin ... -
Covid-19 dönemi Türkiye’de ve Almanya’da uygulanan para ve maliye politikalarının makro ekonomik etkilerinin karşılaştırılması
(Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, 2023) -
The effect of airport private security officers' perceptions of organizational support and work engagement on job crafting: the moderating role of social courage
(9th International EMI Entrepreneurship & Social Sciences Congress, 2023)Air transportation is a preferred choice for activists who want to effectively announce their messages in terrorist incidents at the individual or organizational level. In modern societies where different methods of terrorism ... -
Perceptions of courage: an in-depth examination of lay people's attributions toward courage
(2023)This qualitative study aims to investigate the traits and factors influencing how 155 people in Türkiye perceive courage by relying on the Lay Theory of Courage. Data were gathered by asking participants to name the most ... -
Before and after courage: understanding laypeople’s most courageous actions and emotional dynamics
(2023)With an emphasis on the most audacious choices taken, this study investigates the connection between courage and emotions in individual decisions and behaviors. This study used semi-structured interviews with 45 people to ... -
Cesaret nedir? Cesaret tanımlarının içerik analizi
(2023)Bu çalışmada, çeşitli akademik disiplinlerde yer alan 150 cesaret tanımının içerik analizini yapılarak cesaret kavramı incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, farklı yaklaşımları nedeniyle anlaşılması ve tanımlanması zor bir ... -
The mediating effect of organizational justice perception on the relationship between ethical leadership and workplace deviant behaviors
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)The present study examines whether there is a relationship between the ethical leadership (EL), organizational justice perception (OJP), and deviant behaviors (WDB) of customs officers working at international airports in ...