Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Comparative analysis of three empirical studies regarding new product development/success 

      Karayalçın, Cem (Antalya Bilim University International Journal of Social Sciences, 2020)
      Recently, companies need to be more responsive in order to meet the rapid changes considering both consumer preferences and managerial practices. From a marketing perspective, new product development is an important issue ...
    • E-ticaret lojistiği 

      Abubakar, Abubakar Mohammed; Karayalçın, Cem (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2021)
      Son yıllarda yaşanan teknolojik gelişmeler insanların hayatını derinden etkilemiştir. Özellikle bilgisayar ve internetin yaygınlaşması tüketici ve işletmeler bağlamında büyük değişiklikler yaratmıştır. Pazarlama ...
    • An evaluation of impact of advertising intensity on entry mode choice 

      Karayalçın, Cem (Antalya Bilim University International Journal of Social Sciences, 2021)
      Globalization has led companies to expand into foreign markets. These multinational enterprises (MNEs) consider diverse factors when entering a foreign country. One of the important decisions the MNEs make is the entry ...
    • Investigating the current position of brand extensions in recent literature 

      Karayalçın, Cem (Atlas 10th International Social Sciences Congress, 2023)
      Human beings seek variety in different kinds of matters. It is seen that throughout the years of human evolution, there is not a static behavior rather a dynamic behavior is observed. From a consumer’s perspective, a similar ...
    • An Investigation regarding the relationships among brand parity, brand image, brand satisfaction and brand loyalty 

      Karayalçın, Cem; Turunç, Ömer (8th International EMI Entrepreneurship & Social Sciences Congress, 2022)
      In today’s economy, it is getting harder for a business to attract new consumers and keep the existing customer base. Branding helps companies to be differentiated from others and create a sustainable competitive advantage ...
    • Metaverse çağında markalaşma 

      Karayalçın, Cem (Nobel Bilimsel Eserler, 2022)
      İnsanların gelişime olan motivasyonu neticesinde, geçmişte var olmasının imkansız olarak düşünüldüğü birçok olgu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu tarz gelişimler arasında teknolojide yaşanan ilerlemeler çağımızın önemli dönüm noktalarını ...
    • Neuromarketing: a review regarding marketing field 

      Karayalçın, Cem (Springer, 2022)
      Neuromarketing is a growing topic in marketing literature. Furthermore, businesses also started to use neuromarketing-related results in their marketing decisions. Accordingly, it is crucial and relevant to make a research ...
    • Neuromarketing: an evaluation regarding marketing field 

      Karayalçın, Cem (35th EBES Conference Proceedings, 2021)
      Neuromarketing is a growing topic in marketing literature. Furthermore, businesses also started to use neuromarketing related results in their marketing decisions. Accordingly, it is crucial and relevant to make a research ...
    • Bir sosyal kimlik olarak meslek kimliği üzerine bankacılık sektöründe pazarlama açısından nitel bir çalışma 

      Karayalçın, Cem (International Journal of Labour Life and Social Policy, 2019)
      Tajfel’in geliştirdiği sosyal kimlik kuramı temel kavramlarından yola çıkarak mesleklerin, bireyler için zamanla içselleştirilerek bir sosyal kimlik haline geldiğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada bir sosyal kimlik ...
    • Vib: a marketing case study analysis 

      Kurtuluş, Kemal; Karayalçın, Cem (Journal of Business Innovation and Governance, 2020)
      Best Western Hotels & Resorts (BW) introduced a new brand called "Vib". The first BW Vib Hotel opened as BW Vib Antalya in 2017. Despite Vib's brand concept, BW Vib Antalya is located outside of the city center of Antalya, ...