Güncel Gönderiler: DSpace at Antalya Bilim
Toplam kayıt 1858, listelenen: 161-180
İş hukuku’nun güncel gelişmeleri sempozyumu bildiri kitabı
(Filiz Kitabevi, 2024) -
Transfer entropy
(MDPI, 2018) -
Confounding factor analysis for vocal fold oscillations
(MDPI, 2023)This paper provides a methodology to better understand the relationships between different aspects of vocal fold motion, which are used as features in machine learning-based approaches for detecting respiratory infections ... -
Ethical food entrepreneurship: a review of the literature and a case analysis based on ethical matri
(IV. Uluslararası Gastronomi, Turizm ve Kültür Çalışmaları Sempozyumu, 2023) -
Etik boyutuyla gıda ekosistemi: sorunlar ve ileriye dönük yaklaşımlar
(4. Uluslararası Tarım ve Gıda Etiği Kongresi, 2023)Bu bildiri, karmaşık yapılı gıda ekosisteminin sürdürülebilirlik ve etik boyutları incelemektedir. Gıda ekosisteminin üre tim, tüketim, pazarlama, tarım, hayvancılık ve lojistik gibi farklı alanlarına odaklanarak, her ... -
Comparative analysis for quality traits of pitaya varieties in protected cultivation
(Springer, 2024)The study explored the potential of eight new pitaya cultivars for protected cultivation in subtropical climate conditions, comparing yield and fruit characteristics. Two white-fleshed and six red-fleshed cultivars were ... -
How does the use of natural sugar alternatives in soft candy manufacturing affect product properties?
(The 3rd International Congress of the Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2023)Soft candy products are known as popular that can be preferred by consumers of all ages, especially children, due to their attractive appearance, pleasant taste and texture. In recent years, there has been a rapid increase ... -
Büyük veri, duygular, dil ve etik üzerine bir değerlendirme
(2023)İnsan-makine etkileşimi sonucunda devasa boyutta, yüksek hız ve çeşitlilikte olan büyük veri, bilgileri toplama, düzenleme ve analiz edebilme potansiyeli nedeniyle psikoloji araştırmaları için yeni bir disiplinin gelişmesine ... -
Estimations for (n,a) reaction cross sections at around 14.5MeV using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm-based artificial neural network
(Elsevier, 2023)Prediction of neutron-induced reaction cross-sections at around the 14.5 MeV neutron energy is crucial to calculate nuclear transmutation rates, nuclear heating, and radiation damage from gas formation in fusion reactor ... -
Evaluation of the optimal sampling approach for HPV genotyping in circumcised heterosexual men with genital warts
(Elsevier, 2023)Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes a serious socioeconomic burden globally. However, there is currently no consensus on the optimal sampling method for HPVDNA genotyping in circumcised heterosexual men. This ... -
Türk dış politikası’nda “merkez ülke” kavramı ve enerji politikası ilişkisi: TürkAkım boru hattı örneği
(17. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2023) -
Enerji alanında bizi neler bekliyor?
(Fikirturu, 2023) -
Türk dış politikası’nda “merkez ülke” kavramı ve enerji politikası ilişkisi: TürkAkım boru hattı örneği
(2023)Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin (AKP) yürüttüğü dış politikanın temellerinden biri “merkez ülke” kavramıdır. Türkiye’den geçen/geçecek doğal gaz boru hatlarının Türkiye’nin “merkez ülke” olmasına katkı sağladığı ve bölgedeki ... -
Estimation of alighting counts for public transportation vehicle occupancy levels using reverse direction boarding
(Elsevier, 2023)In order to improve the performance of a public transport system, it is important to know alighting counts as well as boarding counts at bus stops. While boarding is almost always available through a fare collection system, ... -
The frequency of the bony parameters of femoroacetabular impingement syndrome in young asymptomatic individuals: a computed tomography study
(23rd National Anatomy Congress, 2023)Objective: Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) is a painful hip disorder that develops as a result of abnormal contact between the femoral head- neck junction and the acetabulum edge in hip joint movement, especially ... -
Immanuel Kant'ın fakülteler çatışması ve Almanya'da üniversite idesinin doğuşu
(Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, 2023)Immanuel Kant'ın 1798 yılında yazdığı Fakülteler Çatışması adlı eseri 19. yüzyılda doğan ve gelişen üniversite idesinin kaynağını oluşturur. Hayatın sonuna doğru kaleme aldığı bu eserinde Kant, yaşadığı yıllarda bir "alt ... -
The dynamics of nonlocal cancer tumor growth model
(FAIA 2023 International Mathematical Conference, 2023) -
The evolution of a michaelis-menten type dynamics of tum
(Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications, FAIA2023, 2023)Here, we investigate Michaelis-Menten type dynamics of phase-space analysis to a mathematical model of tumor growth with an immune responses. We then explore the effects of adaptive cellular immunotherapy on the model ... -
A magnetic sensor for artery pressure monitoring
(11th International Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computations (JAC-ECC), 2023)—This paper reports a magnetic sensing device for in-vivo artery pressure monitoring. The device consists of multiple magnets and hall sensors arranged orthogonally on a flexible substrate. The novelty of the device lies ... -
Is cell-free massive MIMO (CF-MMIMO) equivalent to the already existing and commercialized pCell technology?
(2021)Distributed antenna system (DAS) is a highly diversified concept that can help lower radiated power, maximize coverage, and improve spectral efficiency. Yet, the most exciting feature of DAS is the distribution of remote ...