Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Effects of deuteron optical models on the cross-section calculations of deuteron induced reactions on natural germanium
(Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2021)
A common feature of scientific studies is that when experimental observation data are not available, theoretical calculations are used to obtain information about the subject under investigation. In this context, many ...
Effects of combining some theoretical models in the cross-section calculations of some alpha-induced reactions for natSb
(Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2022)
In cases where it is not possible to obtain the cross-section values experimentally due to various factors, the importance of obtaining them with theoretical models has been explained in many studies available in the ...
Photo-neutron cross-section calculations of 54,56Fe, 90,91,92,94Zr, 93Nb and 107Ag isotopes with newly obtained giant dipole resonance parameters
(Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2020)
The knowledge of the interaction of photons with matter is of vital importance to investigate fundamental nu- clear physics problems. Giant dipole resonance (GDR) mechanism is dominant up to 30 MeV at photo-absorption ...
Level density model effects on the production cross-section calculations of some medical isotopes via (α, xn) reactions where x = 1–3
(Modern Physics Letters A, 2020)
Level density models have an undeniable importance for a better perception on the na- ture of nuclear reactions, which influences our life via various ways. Many novel and advanced medical application use radioisotopes, ...
Estimation of (n,p) reaction cross sections at 14.5 ∓ 0.5 MeV neutron energy by using artificial neural network
(Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2021)
The aim of this study is to develop an accurate artificial neural network algorithm for the cross-section of (n,p) reactions at 14.5 ∓0.5 MeV neutron energy which is important to developing materials for fusion reactor ...
A study on the cross-section data of 43,44m,46,47Sc isotopes via (d,x) reactions on natural abundance targets under the effects of deuteron optical models
(Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2023)
Many studies have investigated the influence of theoretical models and factors involved in the acquisition of cross-section data of a nuclear reaction. The implications of different models of various variables such as level ...
Investigation of level density and gama strength function for photoneutron reaction in medical linacs in beamline
(Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2022)
Photoneutron reaction cross-sections of 197Au, 187Re, 186W, 181Ta, 94,95,96,97,98,100Mo isotopes were calculated through the TALYS 1.95 nuclear reaction code. The energy range of the incident photon chosen as 7 MeV–30 MeV ...