Comprehensive activities of daily living profile of individuals with dementia living in nursing home
Objective: In this study, it was aimed to comprehensively determine the activities of daily
living of elderly people with and without dementia living in nursing homes.
Materials and methods: The cognitive status of the individuals participating in the study
was evaluated with the trained and Untrained Mini Mental Test (MMT). Participants’ Mini
Mental Test total scores were divided into 3 groups as 24-28 normal, 18-23 mild dementia,
and 8-17 dementia. Activities of Daily Living was evaluated with the Katz Daily Living
Scale (Katz), Lawton and Broady Instrumental Activity of Daily Living Scale (EADL).
Results: 106 people, 48 (45.3%) female and 58 (54.7%) male, participated in the study. It
was determined that the mean age of the participants was 76.86±8.37 years, and the mean
BMI was 27.47±5.36 kg/m². According to MMT; The normal group consists of 31 (29.2%),
the mild dementia group consists of 43 (40.6%) and the dementia group consists of 32
(30.2%). The mean Katz score of the normal group was 17.74±0.68, the mean Kazt score of
the mild dementia group was 17.46±1.42, and the mean Kazt score of the dementia group
was 16.43±2.16. Katz bath activity, continence activity; It showed a statistically significant
difference between MMT groups (P<0.05). The mean EADL test score was 19.03±5.061 in
the normal group, 19.53±4.65 in the mild dementia group, and 15.21±5.66 in the dementia
group. EGYA total scores; There was a statistically significant difference between MMT
groups (P<0.05). EGYA phone, cooking, housework, laundry, travel, medicine parameters;
There was a statistically significant difference between MMT groups (p<0.05).
Conclusion: As MMT values of elderly individuals staying in nursing homes decrease;
basic and instrumental activities of daily living are also affected.