Prediction of VLDL cholesterol value with machine learning techniques
Cholesterol is an oil-like substance that is found in the membranes of animal cells and also
carried in blood plasma, which has some vital functions in the human body, especially in the endocrine
and digestive systems. Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) is a lipid that is not gained with
nutrients, instead produced by the body itself. However, it is considered to be in the bad cholesterol
group since this type of cholesterol threatens cardiovascular health. As a result, it is normally expected
to be at the lowest levels in the human body. In this study, It is applied some machine learning
techniques to estimate VLDL Cholesterol value by some attributes such as age, sex, creatinine,
aspartat transaminaz (AST), alanine transaminaz (ALT), free t4, glucose, and triglyceride. In this, the
techniques include the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), Decision Tree (DT), and Gradient Boosted
Trees (GBT). It is computed that GLM has the root-mean-squared-error value 0.655 and the
correlation value 1.0 so consequently returns the best results compared to others.